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this photo was taken at my cousins sweet sixteen.I rearranged things and waited until the sun gave me the shine that i wanted on then glass. 

For this photo, I walked around school looking for any sort of lines that were appealing to the eye, and found this. It took several minutes to get it as symmetrical and aligned as possible, but in the end it was all worth my time. 





In this assingment we had the show many different types of font and other things like kerning, leading, tracking,

-Shape photo-

I took this photo because it has geometrical shapes and I thought that the green and blue complemented each other.




the space between the dora wannabe doll is what I was trying to focus on but I really couldn't quite get it right :(


the primary colors in this picture are on azurie's hoodie, the Coca Cola sign , and the sea in the map.




in this photo I thought that the red and little orange would be a good representation of analogous but I know it could've been better if I got rid of the background

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